Electional Astrology Topics:
Introduction to Electional Astrology
VIDEO-Intro to Electional Astrology
Step-by-step Swim Club Example
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My Electional Astrology Philosophy
I believe that electional astrology is an art form, not an exact science consisting of hard and fast rules, any one of which can make or break an election. I am not a fatalist. I do not believe that God or the Universe must obey my command if I come up with the perfect electional chart, assuming it exists! Nor do I believe that God or the Universe is waiting with dire consequences should I choose an inappropriate time. I do believe that electional astrology opens the door to co-creative cooperation with Higher Forces for the increased potential for success.
It has been my observation that those who formulate their plans carefully and bring a lot to the table in the way of skills, intelligence, and effort, are not only more likely to succeed, they are also more likely to pick good times astrologically. Those who consistently come up short and experience bad luck tend to pick difficult times which reflect a lack of forethought, skills, intelligence, and effort. This is not a fatalistic predestination, but a non-causal correlation. Election charts are meant to be informative, and picking a great election time never absolves you from participation in a meaningful way.
Astrology is a symbolic language. Hopefully, the electional chart will give you clues on how to be successful and what your role should be in the process. In my experience electional charts do not and cannot come with guarantees. However, a good election can improve your chances for success through a co-creative interaction with Higher Forces that fosters insight into how and where to apply your skills, intelligence, and efforts in the most efficient and productive manner.