Stars of David Introduction
A Natal Chart Star of David
The Most Recent Star of David
The Next Star of David
1990, 1992, 1995, 1996. 1998, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2020, 2023
The Astrology of the 2001 War Star of David
The 2001 Star of David was a fire and air star. Earth and water were not involved. The Fire Grand Trine is formed by the Moon, Venus, and Pluto. The Air Grand Trine was formed by Saturn, Mercury, and Neptune. The fact that Pluto is trine to Venus while Neptune is opposed to Venus showed a change in finances and wealth management.
The big news of this Star was the attack on the World Trade Center seven days after the Star’s appearance and the war in Afghanistan. This was a War Star like the August 1990 Star of David at the time of the Gulf War. Here the Sun was closely squared by Saturn and Pluto showing a loss of life and bodily injury. Aspects between Pluto and Saturn can be associated with war, but here the threat was made more dangerous with the squares to the Sun.
There were two Grand Trines and two T-squares in the Star. There were also two planets that did not belong to any of the configurations, Mars and Uranus. They were rebel planets and indicated individuals who acted outside of religious, societal, and moral dictates through aggression and surprise, Unfortunately, this star is only the beginning of the descent as the 2002 Star of David was also a War Star.
The stock market declined sharply with the Dot Com crash and some stocks never recovered.
An energy crisis occurred in California with rolling blackouts.
Price fixing came to light and eventually Enron collapsed.
We learned of the excesses and deceptions of corporate executives as the retirement savings of millions disappeared
Not only were we attacked, but we went to war.
Biological warfare was a possibility while anthrax was in our mail system.
This was a reactionary chart and not a thinking chart. Fanatical thinking and emotional responses occurred, (Moon opposed Mercury and both squared by Jupiter).