Astrology and Mysticism Newsletter

What's Happening in the Sky?
Lunar eclipse 3/14
Solar Eclipse 3/29
Pisces Sun enters Aries exaltation 3/20
Pisces Mercury in detriment & fall enters Aries 3/3
Mercury turns retrograde 3/15
Retrograde Mercury enters Pisces detriment & fall 3/29 EDT
Venus in Aries detriment turns retrograde 3/1 EST
Retrograde Aries Venus in detriment enters Pisces exaltation 3/27
Cancer Mars in fall
Gemini Jupiter in detriment
Saturn in Pisces
Taurus Uranus in fall
Pisces Neptune in rulership enters Aries 3/30
Aquarius Pluto in exaltation
Astrology Articles
Best Electional Time - This is a tough month for elections. Aries Venus is retrograde & in detriment. Mercury is also retrograde. Several other planets are poorly placed: Mars in Cancer & Uranus in Taurus, both in fall. Jupiter is in Gemini detriment and don't forget there is both a lunar and a solar eclipse. But then a bright spot appears!
Jupiter in the Solar Return 3rd - You might think that things would be all rosy with Jupiter in the solar return 3rd house, when actually it is a hectic time with a major decision to make, mostly a dilemma. Perhaps there are no winners or losers.
USA Solar Arc Progressed Chart - Here is the USA solar arc progression chart and how it reflects major issues and lessons the country is now facing. This is not meant to be a fatalistic prediction, only an insightful astrological look.
Mysticism Articles
11th Lesson in Opening the Heart Chakra - There are 12 lotus petals in the heart chakra, 12 steps for raising your vibration. An open heart can attract and manifest abundance in all its forms for self and others.
The 7 Hardest Spiritual Tests - This video looks at seven tests a spiritual person might pass through as he or she learns to discover purpose while developing trust and faith in God, the Universe, or Higher Power.
A Fire Walking Experience of Trust and Faith - They say there is some trickery to a fire walk. Though it looks & feels hot, it's not. I don't know about all that. It seemed pretty hot to me! The experience changes you.