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United States of America
July 4, 1776
5:10 pm
Philadelphia, PA
Solar Arc Progression to March 2025

This is the natal chart of the USA that many astrologers use (inner circle). There are certain events that have occurred recently, and I wanted to see if they were reflected in the United States solar arc progressed chart (outer circle). Even though I am linking certain current events to astrological indicators, that does not mean that our choices as a nation are predetermined. These are lessons. As a country, we could have made and can make other choices. I have no answers, only observations. These are events I looked for in the solar arc progressed chart:

  1. Changing relationships with allies

  2. Changes in founding principles

  3. Challenges to justice and the law

  4. Constitutional crisis related to leadership

USA Solar arc.png

1. Changing relationships with allies 
Allies are like friends in an individual's natal chart and can be seen through the 7th or 11th house. In the solar arc chart, Saturn by progression is conjunct to natal Mars in the 7th house indicating possible conflicts with other countries.
2. Changes in founding principles
Founding principles such as asylum and birthright citizenship might be reflected in the 4th house of foundations or the 10th house of purpose and destiny. In this chart, Mercury in Aries has just entered the 4th house which might be interpreted as an America first ideology. At the same time, the progressed Midheaven which relates to purpose and destiny is conjunct natal Uranus signaling a radical change in the principles on which our country was built.
3.Challenges to justice and the law
Law is ruled by Jupiter and the 9th house. Pluto has already squared natal Venus in Cancer which could rule women's healthcare and the overturning of abortion rights. Now Pluto is moving to square natal Jupiter showing complications in defining what is legal or even morally acceptable. Natal Neptune in the 9th house lacks clarity given our present circumstances, and is square to solar arc Saturn challenging legal limits.
4. Constitutional crisis related to leadership
When the country was formed in 1776, Saturn in the natal 10th house indicated the rejection of a King and the formation of a republic. The south node is now conjunct to that 10th house Saturn. We need to define who is and who can lead our country, and the limitations that can be imposed on that leadership.

As stated, these are the lessons, not fatalistic determinations. It is up to us to choose wisely moving forward.

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